Official Asian and CIS Trading Partner

We should know our champions by sight! InstaForex Company starts publishing pictures of the best traders who succeeded to win our contests. Also our winners express their opinions regarding InstaForex contests and campaigns.

Levry Marlindra "Lucky Trader" (09/19/2016 – 10/01/2016), 6th prize gainer
Thank you very much for such an interesting contest. I am really happy be on the 6th place in the Lucky Trader contest. That was a good learning experience for me.
Natalia Gaidai "Lucky Trader" (09/19/2016 – 10/01/2016), 8th prize gainer
I want to thank InstaForex for organization of such interesting contests. I particularly enjoyed easy registration and decent coverage of the contest.
Ilfat Asylguzhin "Lucky Trader" (09/19/2016 – 10/01/2016), 2nd prize gainer
I am grateful that InstaForex runs such exciting contests. No other company has as many demo contests with real prizes as InstaForex. Moreover, you can immediately withdraw the profit! It is the most useful feature. In my opinion, the company holds a respectful place among other brokers.
Andrey Bolovintsev "Гонка FX-1" (08/19/2016 – 08/20/2016) – 3 место
I am very glad to be among the prize winners. It’s my first victory in the FX-1 Rally contest. Before that I twice won prizes in the Lucky Trader contest. Now I am finally here. Fortune smiled upon me. I hope to win more contests. I want to thank the company for an opportunity to develop trading skills and earn money at the same time.
Oleg Soroka "Гонка FX-1" (26/08/2016 – 27/08/2016) – 3 место
The contest left only positive impressions on me. I became one of the prize winners, even though I don’t have a great deal of experience, so I honestly think that everyone can win. All you need is a desire and a little bit of luck. The contest is fair: you can see ratings and trading process of other participants in real time. The only downside to this contest is that it took them too long to summarize the results of the contest, but everything else was excellent!;-)
Suyanto "FX-1 Rally" (08/26/2016 – 08/27/2016), 5th place
I have never thought I would win a prize in the FX-1 Rally contest. I am very happy that InstaForex runs contests with real cash prizes that do not require any entry fee.
Vyacheslav Vyushkov "FX-1 Rally" (09/02/2016 – 09/03/2016), 1st place
Thank you very much for the wonderful contests! The prizes are worth the efforts. If you want to win, you will have to learn how to become a better trader.
Machomalo "FX-1 Rally" (30/09/2016 – 09/10/2016), 4th place
Thanks, InstaForex, for the prize! Participation in your contests always gives plenty of experience. Thank you very much!
Aleksandr Petin "FX-1 Rally" (09/02/2016 – 09/03/2016), 4th place
Thank you very much for this exceptional contest! I’m very glad to win a prize! Good luck, everyone!
Dmitriy Myasnikov "FX-1 Rally" (09/16/2016 – 09/17/2016), 4th place
Winning the InstaForex contests allows you to earn prize money for your live trading account. Any trader can participate in several competitions at the same time or only in one he/she chooses. I traded in the InstaForex FX-1 Rally contest strictly on signals from my trading platform, that way I wanted to increase my chances of winning the contest. Generally speaking, my experience in trading helped me get to the 4th place in this contest. Participation in InstaForex contests can bring you a valuable prize and a live trading account.
Aleksandr Sasyuk "FX-1 Rally" (09/30/2016 – 09/01/2016), 5th place
InstaForex FX-1 Rally, September 9 – 10, 2016, 5th place
Vladimir Kondratenko "FX-1 Rally" (09/09/2016 – 10/09/2016), 3rd place
The InstaForex FX-1 Rally contest is one of a kind. It is the first time I won a prize, although I tried and failed many times. I like this contest: everything is completely transparent, and you can monitor how others trade. Not all companies have such perks. The competition is very strong, especially at the end of the contest. It gives you pretty strong emotions, especially when you are one of the top traders in the contest. I congratulate all winners and wish all the best to InstaForex. Keep it up!
Aleksey Jukov "FX-1 Rally" (09/30/2016 – 10/01/2016), 4th place
Thank you, InstaForex, for interesting contests. It’s my first victory.
Viktor Khovratovich "FX-1 Rally" (09/30/2016 – 10/01/2016), 1st place
Thank you for the prize!!! Live long and prosper!
Wasit Agus Suranto "Гонка FX-1" (07/10/2016 – 08/10/2016) – 3 место
Первый раз я принял участие в конкурсе от компании ИнстаФорекс в 2011 году, и с тех пор стал одним из самых постоянных участников форекс-турниров. ИнстаФорекс — самые лучшие!
Yuriy Derevenko "FX-1 Rally" (10/14/2016 – 10/15/2016) – 4th prize gainer
It’s a good competition. I’ve never seen a contest like this: everything is transparent and well-organized. Till the last moments no one knew who will win. Thank you for organization of such contests.
Ilias Sadykov "FX-1 Rally" (10/14/2016 – 10/15/2016) – 1st prize gainer
InstaForex, thank you for interesting contests and valuable prizes! I really like participation in various contests, especially the winning part! The race was intense! I have only positive impressions on the contest! InstaForex rocks!
Anatoliy Trubitsin "InstaForex Sniper" (08/29/2016 – 09/03/2016), 2nd prize gainer
InstaForex organizes interesting and diverse contests. Thank you very much for that. Once again I would like to acknowledge my deepest gratitude to the company's employees for their professional competence and quick response to questions that sometimes arise. I wish InstaForex success and prosperity.
Hyna Mae Briones "InstaForex Sniper" (09/05/2016 – 09/10/2016), 4th prize gainer
My aim was to win the grand prize, but it seems that my competitors were doing their best to win too. It was a tough contest, but also full of valuable lessons to learn.
Aleksandr Korotin "InstaForex Sniper" (10/10/2016 – 10/15/2016), 1st prize gainer
InstaForex is an excellent forex broker. One of the biggest advantages of this contest is that you can start trading without any money. I would recommend it to beginners. Participation in the competition is the best way to test your skills!
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