Open the MetaTrader4 platform, select "File" from the menu, and click "Open data catalogue". In the folder that opens, find and go to the MQL4 section. Then click the Indicators catalogue.
Copy the files with the "ex4" and "mql" extension downloaded and unpacked earlier to the MQL4/Indicators folder (see Step 1). Then close the MQL4/Indicators folder. Restart Metatrader4.
Select the Service tab from the menu and then go to "Settings". In another top horizontal menu that appears, click the Expert Advisors section.
At the bottom of the window, click "ОК". Restart Metatrader4.
Open the currency chart which you want to equip with an indicator. At the top of the platform, go to the Insert section, find "Indicator", and then click "Custom". Select the name of the previously installed indicator from the list box.
In the window that appears, select the necessary indicator parameters (visibility levels, color scheme, etc.). Make changes if necessary and click "OK". After that, you will see a chart with the selected indicator.